Sourdough Waffles /Pancakes
For this recipe you need have a Sourdoug Starter --
( If you do not have a Sourdough Starter -
CLICK HERE for information about a Sourdough Starter)
Take the starter out of refrigerator late in the day and prepare
a "sponge" for the next morning's waffles or pancakes as follows:
Remove ½ cup of starter for the waffles that you will prepare the next morning.
Refresh the remainder
of the starter for future use.
(Click here for Instructions on how to refresh your starter)
To the ½ cup of starter (that you are going to use for waffles in the morning:)
add 1 cup of water and 1 cup of milk.
Stir to dissolve starter.
To the above mixture add 2 cups of flour.
(Try different combos-e.g. 1 cup white four and 1 cup of whole wheat or corn.)
Cover the starter and put it aside until the morning (8 to 10 hours).
Next morning, the sponge ( made as above) will be quite bubbly.
To this add, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of both sugar and salad oil.
Also, add ½ teaspoon of baking soda.
(optional: add 1/4 to 1/3 teaspoon of salt)
Bake as waffles or pancakes.