From Hike on Hamilton Mt 6/3/14 H320

Wild Rose
(Genus Rosa)

There are seven species of wild rose that grow in the Gorge.

Click here to see a list and description of the seven species

Captain Lewis (of Lewis and Clark wrote about the wild roses in his journal

Picture of a Rose courtesy of Diane

From Hike to Dog River 6/10/14 H323

Wild Rose
(Genus Rosa)

At lest eight different Wild Rose species grow in the Gorge

  • Dog Rose: Rosa canina Shrub similar to sweetbriar but not glandular. Prickles hooked or curved.
  • Sweetbrier: Rosa eglanteria - Flowers large (quarter-sized) with notched tips.
  • Baldhip Rose, Dwarf Rose, Little Wild Rose: Small (quarter sized) pink flowers with 5 petals. Stems armed with many small stickers. Leaves pinnately compound.
  • Multiflora Rose, Rambler Rose: Rosa multiflora
  • Bristly Nootka Rose, Nootka Rose: Rosa nutkana var. hispida Shrub to 6 feet tall. Inflorescence of 1-3 large pink flowers with 5 wide petals, Very fragrant.
  • Nootka Rose: Rosa nutkana var. nutkana (Synonym: Rosa durandii)
  • Clustered Rose, Clustered Wild Rose, Peafrutit Rose: Rosa pisocarpa - Shrub from 1-2 meters high armed with straight, thin prickles, or sometimes unarmed.
  • Pearhip Rose, Wood's Rose:

From Paul Slichter's site

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From Hike to Dog River 6/10/14 H323

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