Also called:
Western anemone, Old man of the mountain,
Tow-headed baby, White pasqueflower and Chalice Flower
Scientific Name: Anemone occidentalis
What we see in these pictures is not a flower
The Western pasque flower plant flowers soon after the plant emerges
following snowmelt.
Only the earliest visitors to the Mount Hood high country
are lucky enough to see the Western Pasque Flower in bloom.
The cream-colored blossoms emerge as soon as the snow melts,
often along the margins of lingering snow patches.
After just a few days, the petals of this flower drop, and the flower is no more.
What emerges is what we see in these pictures. These pictures show
seed heads on very showy cylinder-shaped
stalks. There are long silky feather-like hairs attached to the actual seeds.
The seeds will eventually blow away to grow in a different place.
It is noted that the plant is a perennial