In 2016 Japan introduced a new Education Program
based on the following Decree issued by
Emperor Meiji in 1890
He said all children should

  1. Be filial to your parents,
  2. Be affectionate to you brothers and sisters;
  3. As husbands and wives be harmonious,
  4. Trust and be trusted by your friends;
  5. Bear yourselves in modesty and moderation;
  6. Extend your benevolence to all;
  7. Devote yourself to learning and gain an occupation ;
  8. Acquire knowledge and develop your talent;
  9. Improve your character;
  10. Work to promote public good;
  11. Respect the Constitution and observe the law;
  12. Should an emergency arise, offer yourselves courageously to the State;

From the Wall Street Journal December 27, 2015

Click here to See the original article in the Wall Street Journal