Class "one" notes I took during this class:
First issue discussed: The so called "Genocide in Darfur:.
"A U.N.-appointed commission concluded in 2005 that no genocide had taken place,
but said there had been heinous war crimes no less serious than genocide.
It also said individuals may have acted with genocidal intent.
A group in US spend 19 million dollars to advertise
the fact that Genocide was taking Place
All the money was spent in US.
Most countries of the world say "no genocide"
but due to the publicity paid for by the above groups
the idea persisted in the US that there was a genocide in Darfur
This is an example of the difference between what we see in the US news
(pushed by special interest groups) and reality
Some 2 million people are still displaced, having fled their
homes at the height of the conflict between 2003 and 2005.
Land originally belonged to tribes –
Darfur means 'the place of the Fur people'.
There are at least 36 main tribes in the region.
Fighting began when a drought forced nomadic herders to move
into land that "belonged" to other tribes
West must realize and take into account that these are "tribal" societies
The idea of a central government is foreign to them
1400 years ago - no Arabs in Africa
Our year 622 is Muslim year 1
in 610 Mohammed received a revelation
UMMAS Community of Muslims
Quran includes
books from Christian Bible
books from Jewish Torah
books that tell of Muhammad's revelations
Key principle of Muslim faith TAWHID -- there is one God
632 Muhammad dies
Some references say
a Jewish woman put a poison into a lamb meal (some say goat)
that was served to Muhammad.
Muhammad ate some of the poisoned lamb and died as a result three years later.
Is this just to stir things up
His followers divided into two groups
Sunni were the "in" group
The Shiites were the "out" group
638 Muslims went to Jerusalem
Fwstat Muslim outpost in Egypt
Disciple Mark when to Egypt in 90 AD
by 750 Muslims had gone all across North Africa
by 732 had gotten to France
Muslim religion brings together: