In Mt. Adams area

A blue (when fresh) Mushroom
A Blewit or a Cortinarius ???

This was a pleasant blue color when first collected

Mike K. said: Blewits have a definite fragrance which can be described as resembling frozen orange juice . Growith habit is typically found in rings and arcs, while Cortinarius are mostly scattered or solitary.

From the themushroomforager.com web site Click here for link

Blewits have tight spaced gills, a distintive aroma, a cap that is slightly tacky when moist and visible mycelium around the stem base. The gills should never be brownish or cobwebby. Young mushrooms have a vibrant purple color. At maturity there is a faint lavender hue in the light brown, gray or buff caps.

My guess:
These are cortinarius,
Reason: They were scattered and solitary
The gills are not tightly spaced

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