McNeil Point Ten Miles 2300 feet elevation gain
A long hike
But also a fantastic hike
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We did take a few rest breaks
We enjoyed every minute,
of this ten mile hike.
The views were spectacular
The trail was very high up on Bald Mountain
We could look down on the Zig-Zag river
That is snow capped Mt. Hood in the Background
It would not have been a good idea to step off the trail to take a rest
We did stop to look at the sights
In the distance we could see
Mt. St. Helens, Mt Reinier, and Mt. Adams
Note, there was one twenty-ish year old girl in our group Thursday
I do hope that we "old people" didn't slow her down too much
The trail took us on a ridge
from Bald Mountain to Mt. Hood
On the lower part of the trail,
there were some magnificant old growth trees
Along the way, there were meadows filled with wild flowers
We did have to cross some rock slides,
Climbing over the rocks, it was hard to see the trail
Here you see where the rocks end and the trail re-appears.
At one point Joan went the wrong way and if I hadn't been close enought to call to her,
she would still be up there climbing over those rocks lookin for the trail
We were high enough up that the snow had not yet melted
and hence we had to cross a couple
of the glaciers
Since we were high up, the wildfowers were still blooming
Here are some of the wildflowers that we saw
---- More info on these flowers will be on a separate webpage ----
Western pasque flower
also called: tow headed baby and
Old Man of the Mountain
Mountain Aster
Avalanche Lily
There were fields of this beautiful lily
Devil's Club
Green Corn Lily
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