Sourdough Starter Care
Part of the sourdough starter lore is that it is something to be shared with friends.
The starter eventually becomes a part of your family.
With tender loving care you will be able to make all sorts of things with it,
bread, waffles, crackers etc.
This particular starter has been with our family for over 30 years.
I started it in California from an article that appeared in Sunset magazine.
I gave it a female name, since I have four sons and this was to be my pseudo daughter.
As we have moved, it has traveled across the country several times.
Please give your starter a name and enjoy it!
It is best to maintain your starter in a clean quart canning jar each time you
refresh and use it. Glass is preferable to plastic.
Put 1/3 cup of starter in the bottom of the quart jar and add ½ cup of water.
Stir to dissolve the starter. Now to the jar add 1 cup of bread flour and stir.
You should now have a very thick mixture.
(It's probably best if you stir with a wooden spoon rather than metal.)
Leave the jar on the counter for about 8 hours or more. (I usually do it overnight.).
It has now been refreshed and ready to work or
you can put it in the fridge until you are ready to use it.
Each time you use the starter you must keep some to maintain and make more started.
When you take the starter out of the fridge, let it come to room temp before using it.
If the weather is warm, the starter works much faster.
Joan Galbi