Joan's Chicken Soup

1) Initially boil a whole chicken

A) Put an entire chicken in a big pot
       add misc. pieces like neck and giblets, skin etc.
B) Cover the chicken with water and bring to a boil
C) Turn the heat to low and let simmer for one hour or more
D) Remove the chicken from the pot and remove any large chucks of meat
     This meat can be eaten or used in other dishes

2) Return bones and misc. pieces to the pot and add Vegetables

A) Put the bones and any miscellaneous pieces of meat, bones, etc. back in the pot
B) Add vegetables such as:

a) Half an onion
b) Two sticks of celery cut into half inch pieces
c) Three carrots cut into small pieces
d) A table spoon of vinegar ( this draws minerals out of bones)
e) Two bay leaves

3) Apply low heat and let simmer for six hours
4) Stain the liquid to remove all the solid material, leaving just liquid broth
5) Place liquid in refrigerator

A) Fat will solidify on the top of the liquid
B) Remove the solidified fat

6) Re-heat and enjoy