(Balsamorhiza )


Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza) is a genus of plants in the sunflower family

There are four different species of Balsamroot, namely:
Balsamorhiza deltoidea
Balsamorhiza hookeri
Balsamhoriza sagittata
Balsamorhiza serrata

Click here to read about the different varieties of Balsamroot

It think that this is Balsamorhiza careyana,

Native Americans used the sticky sap of this plant as a topical antiseptic for minor wounds. The large taproots produced by Balsamorhiza sagittata are edible and were harvested, dried, and ground into a starchy flour by Native Americans when other food plants were scarce. The entire plant is edible and nutritious, but not necessarily enjoyable because it contains a bitter, strongly pine-scented sap. The plants large taproots are reported to be very palatable and far less bitter than the above ground parts of the plant. (from Wikipedia) Balsamroot is palatable to wildlife and livestock so its prevalende decreases under grazing.

These pictures were from a hike on Dog Mountain 05/12/14 (H319)

More from Dog Mt Hike 319

From Aldrich Butte Hike
June 2, 2015 H381

One of msny species

American Indians used the sap
from this plant as a topical antiseptic

The large taproot of this plant is edible

Click on a thumbnail below to enlarge the image

