At the trailhead, our able leader Terry explains that we need divide into
two groups because we are going
into a wilderness area and groups larger than 12 are not allowed
At the trailhead there is a plaque
telling us who we should thank for the good condition of this trail
The first lake we come to is Sheep Lake
Next we come to Goat Lake
We then take shortcut trail 171A to Indian Racetrack
We arrive at Indian Racetrack and stop for a quick snack
After a brief stop, our leader shows where we are going next
Going up to Red Mountain is a bit challenging
There were some stops to catch our breath
We did finally arrive at the top
We had a great view of Mt. Adams, but a cloud was covering to top
We did not climb all the way to the lookout
We had lunch at the highest point to which we climbed
On the way back we again went through the racetrack
Here is where we hiked
Directions to the Trailhead:
1) Take I-84 to Cascade Locks and Cross the Bridge of the gods
2) Take a right on Hwy 14
4) proceed for 6 miles passing through Stevenson
5) Turn left onto the Wind River Road
6) Proceed for 5.7 miles passing through Carson
7) Turn right onto the Old State Road
.... note this is the second intersection with the Old State Road
8) After a short distance turn left onto Panther Creek Road
......after 1 mile there is a 4 way junction where Panter Creek Road becomes FR 65
9) Continue straight through this intersection onto FR 65.
10) Continue for 10.2 miles on FR-65 to the 4 corners junction.
11) A 4 corners junction turn right onto gravel road FR-60.
12) Signs say Crest Camp, Goose Lake and Trout Lake.
13) Drive 2.1 miles on FR-60 to Crest Camp on the right.
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