The plan to hike the Old Vista Ridge Trail
didn't work because of the weather and the condition of the road into the trailhead
As a result this turned into several different Hikes along the Salmon River Trail

1) A three mile hike for those very interested in a nice lunch
2) A five mile ramble for those who went on the ramble
3) A seven mile hike for three hardy souls

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Click Here to See Pictures of Prior Hikes

The hikers get instructions from our able leader Becky at the Salmon River Trailhead

This after a long ride part way to the Vista Ridge Trailhead and back (much of which was on a dirt road)

Some people who were prepared did not mind the rain

This is the trail we hiked on

It is always a delight to hike along the river

The three hardy hiker on the seven mile hike, meet the ramblers along the trail
Note the Ramblers are a bit wet.

The three hardy hikers did get a bit wet.
Here you see them ask the heavens to stop the rain.

The three hardy hikers saw this nursery tree -- the biggest nursery tree in the world

I wonder why there is so much moss on the trees.

Do offer some comments: Message will go to Joan and Elmer
Type your message in the box below and include your name

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Directions to Vista Ridge Trail (our original destination):
1) Take Hwy 26 to ZigZig
2) Turn right on Lolo Pass Road
3) drive for 10.5 miles on Lolo Pass Rd (stay on Road 18)
4) Turn right onto gravel McGee Creek Road 1810
.... After about 5 miles it becomes paved
.... Stay on McGee Creek Road for 10 miles from Lolo Pass Road
5) Turn right into paved road FR-16
..... There is a sign "Vista Ridge Trail No 626"
..... Stay on FR-16 for 5.3 miles
6) At a broad intersection turn sharp right into Spur road 1650
...... Spur road 1650 is paved for about 25 yards then it is gravel
...... Stay on Spur road 1650 for 3.4 miles to the trailhead.
...... Along 1650 you pass several logging roads - when in doubt stay left and head uphill.

If you care to see more Pictures
click on a thumbnail to enlarge





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