The hike was on the south side of Mt. St. Helens, north of the Swift Reservoir
At the trailhead, our leader looks up at the clouds wondering and hoping that the rain will hold off
This hardy group is not worried about the weather so we circle up to begin the hike.
Notice, no one is wearing rain gear, compare this to some pictures of later in the hike
The first part of the trail is a bit rocky
The top of Mt. St. Helens was covered by clouds
This is the trail we followed in the beginning of the hike
Next we took the Butte Camp Trail 238A to the Loowit trail 216
It was a nice trail
It was cloudy, but we could still see a long distance.
We found a sheltered spot for lunch
On the way down, The group stopped for a break
Note: rain gear was desirable
These hikers are a bit wet, but happy nevertheless
The spots in the picture are rain drops on the lens
This hiker is wondering if the rocks and the rain will ever end.
The bright dots in the picture are rain drops on the lens
We did see some mushrooms
This is a Leccinum
Also called a
Rough Stemmed Bolete
Identified by the rough scales called "Scabers" on the stalk
Directions to the trailhead:
1) Take I5 North to Woodland Exit
2) Take 503 east to Cougar
3) Drive east on FR-90 passed the Swift Dam.
-- Follow signs to Mt. St Helens Mt Climbers Bevouac --
4) Turn left (north) onto FR-83
5) Continue for 3 miles on FR-83
6) Turn left onto FR-81
7) Continue on FR-81 for 3 miles to Redrock Pass and the trailhead
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