A Seven and a half mile Hike 4/10/15
Coyote Wall
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Here is the trail we hiked.

Note the elevation lines. We started at 100 and at the top it was 1200.

A bit of a climb.

Most of this area is Federal Government Land.
However there are some parcels of private land

"No Trespassing" signs in Oregon are different from those in Texas. In Oregon everyone is friendly. This sign is an example of how people in Oregon treat other people.

The first part of the hike was easy

But soon the uphill starts

Note the flowers, they were everywhere

We walked by some nice waterfalls

We did have to cross some streams. Joan has no fear of walking on plank bridges.

Joan got under this tree with no problem.

The White Oak trees did not have any leaves as yet.

Our lunch spot had a great view

The views were spectacular
That is Mt. Hook in the background

There were lots of flowers
Here are some of the flowers that we saw

1) Filaree (Erodium cicutarium )
2) Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus)
3) Fiddleneck (Amsinckia menziesii)
4) Miners Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)
5) Prairie Star (Lithophragma parviflorum)
6) Pacific hound's tongue (Cynoglossum grande)
7) Pacific popcornflower (Plagiobothrys tenellus)
8) Unknown ---


Also known as redstem filaree, common stork's-bill or pinweed

Scientific name:
Erodium cicutarium

Filaree is a native to the Mediterranean. It was introduced to North America in the eighteenth century. Since then it has become invasive over much of the United States.

The way the seeds propagate is quite unique.
The seeds have an awn that is a slender, bristlelike appendage on the seeds. Seed launch is accomplished using the awn as spring mechanism. The spring power comes from the shape changes of the awe during daily changes in humidity. This act like a coiled spring .

These changes in the awn due to humidity changes allows the seeds to self-burial once they are on the ground. The two tasks (springy launch and self-burial) are accomplished with the same tissue (the awn), which is hygroscopically active, that is, it warps upon wetting. (from Wikipedia)


Also called: cursed buttercup or Cursed Crowfoot
Scientific Name: Ranunculus sceleratus

It is noted that there are many species of Buttercups or Ranunculus.

The Ranunculus sceleratus has basal leaves are kidney-shaped. The basal leaves have long petioles that become wider at their bases and they have 3 to 5 shallow to deep palmate lobes, as well as blunt teeth and smaller secondary lobes along their margins.

The stems are hollow and medium green, and slightly ribbed.

The alternate leaves on flowering stems are smaller in size, becoming reduced to 3 narrow lobes. A few of the upper leaves may be un-lobed.

Menzies' Fiddlene

Fiddleneck or
also called: Common Fiddleneck,
Intermediate Fiddleneck, or Menzies' Fiddleneck

Scientific Name: Amsinckia menziesii

Grows Erect.
The small, yellow flowers are tubular atop a flower spike coiled in a manner resembling the neck of a fiddle, thus its common name fiddleneck.

Stems and leaves are green with bristles. As stem unrolls, flowers bloom from bottom upward. Flowers have 5 lobes.

Miners Lettuce
Scientific Name:
Claytonia perfoliata

Note the flowers attached to the center of the round leaf.

Prairie Star

Also called: smallflower or woodland star
Scientific Name: Lithophragma parviflorum
Family Saxifrage

It is a rhizomatous perennial herb growing erect with a naked flowering stem.

The leaves are mainly located low on the stem, each cut into three lobes or divided into three lobed leaflets. The flowers have five petals divided into three toothlike lobes.

Pacific hound's tongue

Also called: Foreget-me-not
Scientific Name:
Cynoglossum grande

The Pacific hound's tongue is a perennial herb. The leaves are mostly located around the base of the plant. The large arrow-tip shaped leaves rise from the large taproot, forming a low growing mound.

The inflorescence is a panicle of flowers on individual pedicels. Each five-lobed flower is bright to deep blue with white appendages at the center.

Pacific popcornflower

Also called: Slender Popcorn Flower

Scientific Name:
Plagiobothrys tenellus

Pacific popcornflower is annual herb producing several erect stems tall. It is very hairy in texture, the hairs long and white. The leaves are located in a basal rosette around the stem and there are a few smaller ones along the stem itself. The inflorescence is a coiling branch bearing many small five-lobed white flower. (from Widipedia.com)

Unknown -- what is it

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1) I84 to exit 64 - Hood River
2) cross hood River Bridge to Hwy 14,
3) go rt on Hwy 14 for 4.5 miles
5) Left on Courtney Rd. -- parking area on the right