A hike Thursday 09/27/12 to Lookout Mt.
Lookout Mt. is the highest peak next to Mt. Hood in our area
From Lookout Mt. we continued on the Palisade Point.
This hike provided fantastic views of
Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helen's.
The hike was seven miles with an 1800 ft of elevation gain.
All in all a very difficult hike (at least for me)


Elmer with Mt. Hood in the background

The climb up was anything but easy. Climbing 1800 ft up is not a piece of cake.


Elmer with Mt Adams (to the left of my head) and Mt. Rainier to the left of Mt Adams in the background.
Note Mt. Adams is about fifty miles away and Mt. Rainier is about 180 miles away.

A better view of Mt. Hood

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