A hike on 9/4/12 to "Hells Roaring Viewpoint"
in Mt. Adams Recreation Area
via a trail in the Yakamka Indian Reservation


Here is Joan at the
Hells Roaring Viewpoint

Note: the ranger told us that this viewpoint was covered with snow until the end of July

Using binoculars, one could see Mt. Goats among the glaciers
I could have gotten a picture if I had by "good" camera
but am reluctant to carry it on hikes

Below you can see the trail leading to the viewpoint -- It was a HARD climb


Since the snow only recently melted, there were lots of flowers blooming
These are Lupines -- The Blue Bonnets that bloom in Texas are also Lupines; however , naturally these are a much prettier variety.,

Some places on Mountain were literally covered with flowers

Here is Joan crossing a Stream
At this crossing there were some planks
At some others there was only a few rocks

Yes, Elmer was also on this hike

The hike was hard, but driving the 100 miles to the starting point was a real adventure.
After leaving the highway first we drove 20 miles on a reasonably good dirt road.
Next we drove on 30 miles of a one vehicle wide logging road that had rock, and ruts, and sharp curves with very steep drop offs.
I would never do it again, and
I would have turned around had there been a place to turn around.
However, in the end, I am glad that we persisted.
The firt map below, show were we drove. The second map shows the route we hiked.

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